R: Tolune - Collapsed GSS Slice-within-Gibbs Sampler R: Collapsed Slice-within-Gibbs Sampler R: Metropolis Hastings R Demo: Scaling up kp R Demo: EM-Start R Demo: Simple Example PPTX: Outline of Collapsed Slice-within-Gibbs Sampler

  1. RWTH Aachen, ↩︎

  2. This work was developed under a Seed Fund Project (2021) of the RWTH Aachen University, funded under "the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder". Project: "Spectra-Bayes: A Bayesian statistical machine learning model for spectral reconstruction" (Project Leaders: Prof. Dr. Maria Kateri, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Koß) ↩︎