logprior <- LogPrior(
amp = prior.Positive(),
lwidth = prior.Gamma(1.01, 0.01), #shape rate
gwidth = prior.Gamma(1.01, 0.01), #shape rate
pos = prior.Unif(0, 1000), # min, max
a = prior.Norm(0, 0.00001), # mean, sd
b = prior.Unif(-1000, 1000)
proposal <- Proposal(
amp = prop.Norm(0.05), #sd
lwidth = prop.Norm(0.2),
gwidth = prop.Norm(0.2), # can also use prop.Unif(radius) for uniform proposal
pos = prop.Norm(1),
a = prop.Norm(0.0000005),
b = prop.Norm(0.02) #b = prop.Unif(0.02)
true_kp <- 3
fit_kp <- 3
noise_sigma <- 0.001
signal_model <- voigt.model
data <- data.synthetic.stormyclouds(seed = 2021, kp = true_kp, noise = 0.001)
x <- data$x
y <- data$y
posterior <- Posterior(Loglikeli(signal_model, noise_sigma = noise_sigma), logprior)
start_params <- prop.voigt.rnd_start(seed = 33, kp = fit_kp)
res <- chains.mhmc(x, y, start_params, posterior, proposal, iter = 20000, print_bar = FALSE)
|================================================================================| 100% elap: 26s eta: 0s, y, res$samples, signal_model, step_width = 200)
plt.traceplot(res$samples, "pos")
plt.traceplot(res$samples, "amp")
plt.traceplot(res$samples, "lwidth")
plt.traceplot(res$samples, "gwidth")
plt.traceplot(res$samples, "a")
plt.traceplot(res$samples, "b")
plt.traceplot(res$samples, "b")
# can also do normal coda plots
samples_matrix <- utils.samples_to_matrix(res$samples) #can also filter variables with which=c("pos", "amp")
chain <- mcmc(samples_matrix)
Iterations = 1:20000
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 20000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
amp[1] 4.195e+00 2.055e+00 1.453e-02 2.078e+00
amp[2] 3.445e+00 1.667e+00 1.179e-02 1.464e+00
amp[3] 5.293e+00 2.536e+00 1.793e-02 2.395e+00
lwidth[1] 1.726e+01 9.138e+00 6.462e-02 7.861e+00
lwidth[2] 2.155e+01 2.177e+00 1.539e-02 8.107e-01
lwidth[3] 2.957e+01 4.973e+00 3.517e-02 4.575e+00
gwidth[1] 2.676e+01 1.297e+01 9.172e-02 1.281e+01
gwidth[2] 2.866e+01 2.826e+00 1.999e-02 1.827e+00
gwidth[3] 2.414e+01 7.403e+00 5.235e-02 8.336e+00
pos[1] 2.208e+02 1.389e+01 9.824e-02 8.791e+00
pos[2] 8.580e+02 1.268e+01 8.965e-02 5.444e+00
pos[3] 5.355e+02 3.743e+00 2.647e-02 7.081e-01
a -7.130e-07 7.864e-06 5.561e-08 4.981e-06
b 1.820e+01 3.718e+00 2.629e-02 1.514e+00
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
amp[1] 7.782e-01 1.961e+00 4.824e+00 6.072e+00 6.760e+00
amp[2] 5.500e-01 1.996e+00 3.907e+00 4.868e+00 5.534e+00
amp[3] 1.862e-01 3.621e+00 6.179e+00 7.456e+00 7.867e+00
lwidth[1] 1.927e+00 9.695e+00 1.985e+01 2.475e+01 2.934e+01
lwidth[2] 1.860e+01 1.957e+01 2.149e+01 2.303e+01 2.643e+01
lwidth[3] 2.241e+01 2.366e+01 3.066e+01 3.345e+01 3.640e+01
gwidth[1] 2.284e+00 1.875e+01 3.215e+01 3.809e+01 4.081e+01
gwidth[2] 2.397e+01 2.668e+01 2.732e+01 3.151e+01 3.395e+01
gwidth[3] 1.385e+01 1.606e+01 2.516e+01 3.128e+01 3.447e+01
pos[1] 2.090e+02 2.116e+02 2.129e+02 2.294e+02 2.560e+02
pos[2] 8.126e+02 8.524e+02 8.623e+02 8.651e+02 8.713e+02
pos[3] 5.282e+02 5.334e+02 5.355e+02 5.377e+02 5.444e+02
a -1.255e-05 -3.602e-06 -2.044e-06 4.001e-07 2.042e-05
b 4.084e+00 1.938e+01 1.938e+01 1.939e+01 1.939e+01
RWTH Aachen,↩︎
This work was developed under a Seed Fund Project (2021) of the RWTH Aachen University, funded under "the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the Länder". Project: "Spectra-Bayes: A Bayesian statistical machine learning model for spectral reconstruction" (Project Leaders: Prof. Dr. Maria Kateri, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hans-Jürgen Koß) ↩︎