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Implements the algorithm as discussed in <paperedoi>. The model fitted is defined as: $$f(x) = a x + b + \sum_{j=1}^K \beta_j V(x \mid \theta_j) + \sum_{i=1} \alpha_i f_i(x)$$ Here \(\beta_j > 0\) are the amplitudes of the Voigt profiles \(V\) where \(\theta_j\) represents the position (pos), Gaussian (gwidth) and Lorentzian (lwidth) width of the Voigt profile. It requires no starting parameters, but optionally some can be passed in start_peaks.

The most impactful hyperparameters are typical_width and add_component_every_iters. The former should be a bit smaller than the typical width of Voigt profiles in the signal. If chosen too big or too small the fit will be usually suboptimal. The hyperparameter add_component_every_iters defines the number of iterations to perform until a new peak is added. Setting it to a bigger value comes at a greater computational cost but usually results in a better fit. The hyperparameter max_iter defines the total number of iterations, impact is similar but usually weaker than add_component_every_iters.

Additionally, it is possible to fit arbitrary positive background functions \(f_i(x) > 0\), these are by default zero. Note that \(\alpha_i > 0\) must hold. BSplines could be used here.

Implementation uses Voigt profiles as defined by 'RcppFaddeeva::Voigt()'.


  start_peaks = list(pos = c(), gwidth = c(), lwidth = c()),
  background_model = list(linear = TRUE),
  typical_width = diff(range(x))/100/2,
  add_component_every_iters = 10,
  max_iter = add_component_every_iters * (K + 2 + ceiling(K/2)),
  min_width = 1e-06 * mean(diff(x)),
  possible_peak_positions = range(x),
  print_progress = TRUE



the x coordinates of the signal


the function values of the function to be fit evaluated at the x coordinates


the number of peaks to fit


optional initial peak parameters; list see examples


defines the background model


typical width of a voigt profile in the signal


number of iterations to perform until a new peak is added


the maximal number of iterations


minimal gaussian and lorentzian width


allowed range of positions for fitted peaks, can be increased to fit cut off peaks


whether to print a progress bar


A list with components:

  • fit_params - A list which contains named components amp, pos, gwidth and lwidth which are vectors of the same length. For each the i-th entry yields the parameters of the i-th Voigt profile. Further named components of the list a and b describe the slope and offset of the linear background respectively. If \(f_i(x)\) are specified also contains a vector background_amps representing \(\alpha_i\)

  • fit - A vector containing the function values of the fitted function evaluated at x.


if (FALSE) {
res <- spectralem(
  x, y,
  K = 4,

res <- spectralem(
  x, y,
  K = 4,
  start_peaks = list(
    pos = c(332, 577, 697),
    gwidth = c(5, 5, 5),
    lwidth = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)

res <- spectralem(
  x, y,
  K = 4,
  background_model = list(linear = TRUE, f1, f2, f3)